Hi people!
After Taupo & Tongariro i went to Rotorua. This is an amazing place- everywhere there earth bubbles with Volcanic energy. Steam and fumes drift by everywhere- almost everybody has a hotspring in their own backyard! The town smells horrible though- a sulphur smell (like rotten eggs). But is is pretty impressive. I saw a geiser (biggest on southern hemisphere) in a park with some steaming lakes. There was alos a lot of information on Maori culture- they had a great war-canoe on exhibition! See the PICTURES.
After that I went to Napier. This little town on the east-coast was destroyed by an earthquake cin the 1930's. They quickly rebuilt everything in the style of the 30's, so now they have an amazing collection of Art Deco architecture... Just check the pictures.
I also added some pictures of the bustrip to Napier.
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