Hi people!
I have recently arrived in New Zealand, Auckland. Maybe you can tell from the picture; it is not the most beautifull city in the world in terms of architecture, however it is built on 50(!!) vulcanos amidst the sea. After a couple of sunny days, this weekend has been very rainy. I have spent most days on the internet and in books and travelguides, trying to make up my mind on where to travel (I am alos waiting for a package from Holland with my tent and campinggear).
In Melbourne I had a very nice goodbye-BBQ. Leanne helped me organize it and it was really great. Dennis and Emily were there, ofcourse! And Matt and Jet. And some guys from the hostel: Donnie (from New York), Dorian (from France), Rafa and Bruno (from Brazil). And ofcourse Leanne, who will be coming to NZ in Febuari, so I will see her soon again.
Merel stayed in Sydney- she will do some surfing and working on an organic farm. She will come to New Zealand for 5weeks, from 19januari onwards. We will travel the South Island together, that will be so cool!!!
Big hug, hope all of you are very well!
hey breurke,
Klinkt weer allemaal super. Geniet nog maar even want over ongeveer 2 maanden ben je weer in het koude kikkerlandje en kunnen je zusjes en je moeder je weer goed gek maken!!
Poen, Freggel
Hoi Basje,
Waar blijven de Nieuw Zealand verhalen? Nog niets leuks meegemaakt of gefotografeerd?
Leuk he die reactie van Lilianne van de Elckerlyc. Zo zie je maar wie er allemaal mee kunnen genieten van je reis.
De pakketjes zijn zeker nog niet aangekomen of ben je nog niet naar Taupo doorgereisd?
Zet snel weer je verhalen en foto's op je blog zodat ik weer wat te lezen heb.
Poen ook van opa en groetjes van de buurtjes.
En vaan Sjarel mot iech diech zegge dat sjoen dik auch sjoen is
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