Hello there,
Just quickly, a picture of Dennis and me, and a picture of us all having dinner at 'little creatures' in Melbourne. In the background you see Dennis and me and from left to right: Mat, Merrin and Emily. Excuse me for looking tired- but I was.
I got a phone here in Australia, so might you miss me, you can give me a call (but I might be busy or sleeping if I dont pick up...).
+61 450 644 720
I am passing my days here just wandering around Melbourne and spending time in the university architecture library; planning my trip a bit and trying to figure out a way to best travel is continent-sized country.
Talk to you soon again.
Hey breurke,
Super die verhalen allemaal. Let maar op met dat Kangaroevlees, dadelijk spring je door australie ipv lopen. Fijn dat je het zo geweldig hebt en wij via de verhalen en foto's met je mee kunnen genieten. Missen we je een beetje minder. We gaan je snel eens bellen daar aan de andere kant van de wereld.
Groetjes van Jordie.
En poen vaan dien kleine zusje
Hi Bas ,super pictures and stories.
Marc is now in Hong Kong,he left on Friday,moves on to Cairns on Wednesday.As soon as we have our itinery will let you know!! Looking forward to seeing you!!!
Tiny and Mike
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