Wednesday, 2 July 2008


Hello there!

I have spent a couple of days in Kyoto. This is the cultural centre of Japan so heaps of temples, gardens and shrines. I walked a lot and the result you can see in mi picasa-website:

pictures of Kyoto

Anyway, in the hostell in Kyoto I met a guy and a girl from Barcelona and we spent a lot of time chatting in the evenings. Yesterday-evening I was planning to write a long story about Kyoto, but first I ended up having a great politcal discussion about life with Felio- the guy from Barcelona- who by the way has travelled an amazing lot. After that we ate something together and another Spanish guy with his argentenian girlfriend joined us at the table. They had also just started a trip around the world so who knows, maybe we;ll meet again somewhere on this planet. Never thought I would speak so much Spanish in Japan! Haha.

But since we had such a good time yesterday evening I didnt manage to write. I think that all the temple and castle and garden stuff will speak for itself. Enjoy the pictures. I am off to Hiroshima now, catching a speedy train again, so go and see what those Americans have done there at the end of WWII. Talk to you soon!



PS I ENJOY YOUR COMMENTS! So dont leave without posting one!


Anonymous said...

Ha die Bas!
Wat gekke treinen hebben ze daar toch...
Weet je al waaneer je in SFO terecht komt? Mischien ontmoeten wij einde September in Seattle of Vancouver?

GrĂ¼ssche, Dieter

Anonymous said...

Hi Bas,
nice to hear you´re having a great time and we gather it is a journey of a lifetime. Keep us posted!
Tiny and Mike

Unknown said...

He Bas,
Reis met je mee in je verhalen en foto`s.
Een mooie manier om op de hoogte te blijven van je doen en laten.
Je geniet. Dat is duidelijk.
Ik ook. Wat een omgeving, wat een groen.
Heerlijk,al die contacten die je opdoet.
Till next time,

Liefs Cisca

Anonymous said...

Hey breukke,

Echt super cool allemaol!!
Wat een geweldige foto's. Mooie omgeving, sjieke tempel. Je verveelt je dara gelukkig niet!

Dikke poen,

Anonymous said...

Hey Bas,

Ik hoorde van je moeder vanochtend dat je nu in Australie bent, gaaf zeg! Zo te horen van mams, vermaak je je prima. Leuke weblog trouwens, ik zal hem in de gaten houden! Ja, iedereen hier in het verre nederland denkt aan je en wenst je nog een top tijd toe, including me..

groetjes Esmee

Anonymous said...

Geniet er van Bas.
Hilde en Arnold