I spent my last days in New Zealand in Auckland, with ray and Donnae, a South African couple that lives there. I have met them a couple of weeks ago at Mount Taranaki. They are amazing people! They invited me into their home and treated me to a great "braai" (South African BBQ)! It was so good! I am such a lucky bastard!
Thanks Ray and Donnae! And Mishka (their great cat!)!! We'll be in touch!
Hey Bazman -Dit was n plesier om jou in ons huis te he. Dankie vir die bottle wyn- ons sal dit graag geniet by ons volgende BBQ.
Kom kuier graag weer een dag - BRING n VROU SAAM !! :)
Have a safe trip home and we hope to see you one day in the Netherlands - you never know!
Ray, Donnae and Mischka
Hoi Basje,
weet dat opa vreselijk trots op je was en dat hij heeft meegenoten van je fantastische reis.
Hey breurke,
Iech bin blij este weer thoes bis!! Hobe diech noe lang genoeg motte misse! Mer wel met kinne geneeten vaan dien reis.
Nog een dikke week en daan biste d'r weer.
Poen, Kaatje
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