Hi there again!
Long time no write- me sorry! But last time I think I gave you enough to read for a while!
After my bus-trip I arrived in Townsville in the late evening, and was, to my surprise, picked-up by my cousing Marc and my aunt Tante Tiny! My aunt and uncle had just arrived that afternoon. We drove to Marc's house where he lives with Clarissa (his sweet girlfriend) and Marion and Andy- Andy studies with Marc. It was a big German family so I have been re-learning my German for a week (although it was mixed with English all the time). But it was great! I got a big matrass in the livingroom and it really felt like home!
We had ofcourse lots and lots to talk about, which we did most of the next day. In the evening Clarissa and Marc had the great idea to all go to a Shakespeare play in the botanical gardens of Townsville. IT WAS AMAZING. A group of very funny and diligent actors had set up a temporary theatre in between the trees. Actually, there were only seats for the audience, the actors themselves didn't have a real stage but some stage-elements (a bench, a table, etc.) were just placed in between the trees of the garden. It was great! They mixed the old play with some modern elements and music, a few days later we were still lauging about it and enjoying that great night out!
We also took Marks' Monster-Machine (a huge 4WD) to a national park north of Townsville. It was a beautifull rainforrest on some mountains reaching 1000m. We walked around on some trails and were stunned by the amazing plants (see photos) and sights (photos).
The last evening with Tante Tiny and Ome Mike (they are so nice) we went out for dinner. Townsville is not the most lively of places, so finding a nice place proved not very simple, but in the end we found a nice steakhouse. I had advised Clarissa Marc and Ome Mike on Kangaroo. Luckily they really loved it! Did I already tell you about Kangaroo meat?
[KANGAROO MEAT is extremely good for the environment. Kangaroo's don't consume a lot of water, their feet are adapted to the dry soils so they don't damage the toplayers of the firtile lands, their dun (poo) doesn't contain a lot of CO2 (15% of Australia's CO2 production is caused by cattle), they only eat some plants and leave the rest growing so it can re-pollinate the land (so not the cow-as-lawnmower-effect), AND their meat contains very little fat. So, in Australia, forget normal steaks, EAT KANGAROO (or vergetarian)]
What was extremely nice is that my aunt Tiny (the oldest sister of my mother) reminded my so much of my own mother! The way she talked and says things and just IS... really like 'mi mum'... It was so nice to have a sort of surrogate mother here for a couple of days! Thanks for everything!!
The group (Marc, Clarissa, Andy, Marion) and another friend that studies with Marc and his girlfriend, Jochem and Nicole, together with some others, we're busy doing a diving course. So, one day we went to Magnetic Island for some diving practise. I took the snorkelgear to go along.
Magnetic Island is a small island in front of Townsville's coast. It is very nice and the Koala's and nice beaches attrack many backpackers and tourists. The ferry takes about 20min, so it is really close. While the whole bunch was occupied with diving I did some snorkeling and stayed on the beach with either Jochem or Nicole who were taking turns looking after their little baby, amazingly sweet and incredibly nice Julie!
Later that week I got a cal from Birthe, who was staying at Magnetic Island, to see if I wanted to come and see the Koala's. So, i went over there for a nice lazy day, crowned by some nice pictures of some beautifull Koala's.
The last night at Marc-and-Clarissa-and-Marion-and-Andy's place I cooked some Red Emperor-fish for them (with some potato and salad help from the others). It was very good (ahum, if I say so myself). I had some small presents for all of them because they have really spoiled me! There was beer in the fridge, and enough food (crunchy peanutbutter sandwiches as much as I could eat- which is a lot, as most of you know) all the time and such a great atmosphere! It was definitely one of the best weeks (9days) of my Australia-trip! I felt like a little prince! It was so nice to spent a long week with Marc, my cousin. We figured out that we have probably never spent so much time together in our lives (maybe not even all time added up)! But it was really really nice.
In Januari they will be coming to Melbourne, so I can return the favor!!! Thanks for all! Great people! (Also the whole rest- Andy, Marion, Nicole, Jochem, Julie and the others).
PS. Clarissa, special thanks for the cellular-biology-classes!!
Hoi Basje,
weer mooie foto's. Ben uiteraard jaloers dat mijn zusje wel daar bij jou was en ik niet. Maar blij dat ze even "stand in" mama was.
Leuk dat je zo fijn hebt gehad bij Marc en Clarissa en daarna weer bij Leanne. Nu weer nieuwe mensen tegenkomen om stukken mee samen te doen maar dat is voor jou nooit een probleem, toch?
Hi Bas,super photo's.It was super to see you again!!We had a fantastic holiday and wouldn't mind going back someday.Keep us informed, we enjoy reading your blog and looking at the photo's.
Tiny and Mike
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