Hello People!
I am travelling from Perth to Darwin with Mark- the Canadian friend I met in Margret River- in a rented campervan. Well, we have 3 weeks to do the whole trip (about 6000km's with all the detours we take) and most of the country is empty! So no internet, no people and no phone-network. It is beautifull though.. i'll let you know when we get to Darwin- the pictures will be amazing! It's a promise (I've seen them already, haha).
From Darwin I will fly to Cairns on 1 september to travel to Townsville to meet my uncle and aunt and my cousin (who studies there) and his girlfriend. And I will also probably meet Leanne! How cool is that!?
So, check in soon again. I leave you with just a couple of atmosphere-pictures!
hee bas, het regent al zo'n beetje heel de zomer, dus je hebt het weer goed bekeken. Ik moest je herrinneren aan zand??
fijne tijd anneke verschoor
Hey breurke,
We proberen je vaak te bellen maar helaas heb je geen bereik. Je verhalen en foto's zijn echt super!! We zijn jaloers!
Dikke poen,dien zusje en
groetjes Jordie
Bas, waaneer gehe wier noch ene moal in de "Rutsche" te Hamborough???
Grüsschens Erich Udo Dieter
Héy Bas,
Ziet der allemoal goot oet... Wat unne trip! ;)
Nog veul plezeer!
Grtz Roy
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