Dear All!
I have arrived in Tokyo. It was a excellent flight, contrary to my expectations. I had the best seat in the plane and very kind KLM people and a nice German guy (living in Tokyo) sitting next to me to chat a bit.
Marieke, my Dutch friend that works as an architect here in Tokyo, picked me up at a trainstation and I am staying at her small but quite comfortable place. She usually works crazy hours but she seems to have been able to make some time to spent with me which is excellent.. and he has introduced me to Tokyo and learned me quickly how to travel this huge (35million inhabitants) megapolis. Great to have such a guide!
Everything is amazing here, everything is so different, and people speak hardly any English (which I find quite amazing). And I am told that outside the Tokyo-Yokohama region there is even lesser English or Western-writing... so, I suppose Japan will become quite an adventure...
The first 2 days I have been going around the city while Marieke was working. I have checked some areas with very interesting contemporary architecture (since Tokyo has grown very fast and was bombed during the war not a lot of historic stuff still excists in Tokyo- so, temple pictures will come once I visit Kyoto). The only drawback is that is is the rainy season now in Japan, and it has been raining a lot since I got here (almost 2 days in a row now, first day was a bit better though). But it is ok- I guess I will get used to 26 degrees and rain...
Oh yes, I have also felt already two earthquakes (terremoto in Spanish I believe). Nothing to worry about, "we get one of those every couple of days" Marieke told me. Haha, welcome to Japan!
Marieke will go for work now to London and Paris and Lausanne, so she will be back in Tokyo next week, by which time I will have left first North to Sendai and then Southward to Kyoto, Osaka and more. First two more days in Tokyo and Yokohama. At the end, 8-11 june probably I will be visiting Tokyo-area again.
Oh yes, before I forget: it is quite hard to find a place with internet here, since every Japanese has internet on his mobile they have no need to go outdoors... so I have no clue how often I will be able to post any messages on the blog or upload any pictures. Sorry for that. I`ll make up for that in Australia, it`s a promise.
Also my mobile phone doesnt work, so don`t be tempted to sent any messages since I will not be able at all to read them (unfortunately).
Well, folks, that`s all for now. Thanks for all your kind messages! Contrary to all your beliefs, I will (and already do) miss you guys every now and then. But I am fine now and looking forward to seeing the rest of this a-mazing country.
Take care,
for pictures check: Marc and Clarissa: yes! looking forward to meeting you in Australia! Can`t wait, to be honest, especially after our good times in Darmstadt and Frankfurt!
PS2 Jan, vet succes met de laatste loodjes van de film- ik ben er zeker van dat hij heeel vet wordt en kan niet wachten hem te ontvangen. Laat me even weten als ie klaar is want misschien is het het makkelijkst als je hem op CD naar die vriend van me in Melbourne stuurt.
PS3 Freek makker hou je haaks, wat ben je toch een fijne vent.
PS4 Ka, ik mis jullie nu al, maar dat maakt niks, ik ga nu vet genieten.
PS5 Benjamin tio! Fijn dat je mijn blog gevonden en gechecked heb- keep it up.
PS6 Helen, ich denke auch an dich- und viel gluck mit Bjorn zusammen wohnen zu gehen!! Grussen auch fur ihn.
PS7 Jordie, thanks- en ich weit dat ste good op heur lets.
PS8 Elke, tot snel! Succes met je kunstwerken (en vergeet sleutels en contract SAM niet).